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Club Repeaters/NM Repeaters
Repeater Personnel

The Latest Club Repeater Status Report

Club Repeaters

The Elk Mountain Repeater

The ghost of Elk Mountain repairs our repeater

The Tesuque Peak repeaters as seen from St. John's College

Tesuque Peak repeaters, Winter 2002. Access by ski lift and foot only

NM Repeater Frequencies

The Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club sponsors three open repeaters, maintained by the club members. You can find them at 146.82 MHz, 147.30 and 442.825 MHz. Full data is listed below. Tune in on Tuesday evenings at 20:00 local time and take part in the SFARC net.

Link to ArtSci North American Repeater Information Database

Link to New Mexico Frequency Coordination Committee Repeaters Map and List

Northern New Mexico Repeaters:
Updated: 02/29/2024.

There are now two new open repeaters available for metro use [in the Albuquerque area and east side of the Manzano Mtns].  One repeater is located at the Bernalillo County EOC, (145.13 MHz, -600 KHz, pl 100 Hz) and the other is on Cedro Peak (145.15MHz, -600 KHz, pl 100 Hz).  Both repeaters are linked together.

& Offset
Tone (Hz)
2 Meters
144.39 None Elk Mtn. W5SF-1 Digital/APRS
144.39 None Santa Fe W5SF-2 Digital/APRS
145.13- 100 Bernalillo Co. EOC K5BIQ-1 Linked to K5BIQ-2
145.15- 100 Cedro Peak K5BIQ-2 Linked to K5BIQ-1
145.19- 162.2 Pajarito Mtn. W5SF/PAJ Near Los Alamos
145.29- 100 Sandia Crest WA5IHL MEGALINK
145.33- 100 Sandia Crest W5CSY Linked to 444.000+ repeater on Sandia Crest
145.39- 100 Red River N5LEM  
145.45- None Bernal Mesa KB5UGY Near Las Vegas
146.64- None Mt Taylor/MR W5PDY URFMSI, 15 mi NE of Grants
146.66- 100 San Mateo Mts. WA5IHL MEGALINK Repeater 15 mi ENE of Grants Near Mt Taylor
146.76- None San Antonio Mt. KD5CHU  
146.82- 162.2 Tesuque Peak W5SF/TES Linked to the 442.825+ repeater on Tesuque Peak
146.88- None Los Alamos W5PDO *Autopatch - See Below
146.90- 67 Albuquerque Metro WB9ERE URFMSI
146.94- 100 Mt Taylor/LM WB5EKP URFMSI
146.98- None White Rock K4KIY Off Air Pending Antenna Installation
147.02+ 141.3 Tesque Peak W5SAF SFARES Tesque Peak
147.08+ 67 Chama (Tusas Mt) K5HSO URFMSI, 8.5 mi SE of Chama, Linked to 449.825+ repeater in Chama
147.10+ 67 Rio Rancho W5SCA SCARES
147.12+ None Picuris Peak WU5B Near Taos
147.18+ None Dixon KD5PEX Dixon, NM
147.20+ 162.2 Santa Fe W5SF/SVH St. Vincent Hospital, Santa Fe
147.22+ 100 San Antonio Mt. WA5IHL MEGALINK Repeater North of Tres Piedras
147.22+ 67 Deza Bluff WA5IHL MEGALINK Repeater North of Tohatchi
147.24+ 67 Eureka Mesa WA5IHL MEGALINK Repeater 6 mi East of Cuba
147.28+ 67 Harris Mesa WA5IHL MEGALINK Repeater ESE of Bloomfield
147.28+ 100 Sierra Grande WA5IHL MEGALINK Repeater 33 mi ESE of Raton
147.30+ 162.2 Elk Mtn. W5SF/ELK  
147.34+ None Angel Fire N5LEM  
147.38+ None Las Vegas KB5ENM  
1.25 Meters
223.94- None Pajarito Mtn. KB5RX  
75 cm
442.650+ 114.8 Pajarito Mtn. W5GL Currently off the air pending repairs.
442.825+ 131.8 Tesuque Peak KB5ZQE Linked to the 146.82- repeater on Tesuque Peak
443.000+ 67 Rio Rancho W5SCA SCARES
444.000+ 100 Sandia Crest W5CSY Linked to 145.33- repeater on Sandia Crest
444.325+ 100 Sandia Crest WA5IHL MEGALINK Repeater
444.350+ 100 Coal Mountain WA5IHL MEGALINK Repeater NNE of Eagle Nest
444.375+ 100 Mesa Apache WA5IHL MEGALINK Repeater SSE of Las Vegas
444.775+ 131.8 Los Alamos WD9CMS  
449.550- 71.9 Albuquerque Metro WB9ERE URFMSI
449.825- 67 Chama (Rabbit Peak) K5HSO URFMSI, Linked to 147.08+ repeater in Chama


* Los Alamos: 146.88, W5PDO Repeater, *88 up - wait for the dialtone to drop before entering the phone number, # down

Repeater Personnel

The SFARC repeaters are maintained by club members John Spiess KB5ZQE, Alan Hill N5BGC and Jimm White K5RWS.

John, KB5ZQE

Alan, N5BGC

Jimm, K5RWS


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