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Here are a few articles and photos from the club. We are looking for more, informative articles if any club members are willing to write. SFARC has been around for many years and some of you old members could spin some great stories. Let's have 'em! Thanks.


The Art and Skill of Radio-Telegraphy - This is a 211 page BOOK! Everything there is to know about CW, inspiring personal stories, learning techniques for all speeds, key information - fascinating. HTML version (read this now from your browser) Acrobat .pdf version (1.8 megs download - this file requires Adobe Acrobat Reader). Published with permission of the author, William G. Pierpont, N0HFF and Jon Oates, GM0VIY for the web adaptation.

XYZs of Oscilloscopes - Although easy to read, this is the definitive article on oscilloscope usage and waveform from the industry leader in test equipment. Copyright Tektronix, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Published with Permission. This file requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Introduction to HF Radio Propagation - An excellent article with many diagrams, much more than an introduction. This file requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.

GPS Primer - Although this article is entitled "GPS for Beginners", it's very comprehensive as well as understandable. Courtesy of Garmin, Ltd. This file requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.

The Vibroplex Bug courtesy of Randy Cole, KN6W

Portable HF Antennas by Fredd Mass, KT5X



A handsomer bunch of hams has rarely been assembled:

Alan Hill, N5BGC

Ted, N5EYS, & Nancy, N5LOG Price

Alden Oyer, AG5S

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